
Case Study: A Journey with the National Park Mystery Series

A Spark of Inspiration
The National Park Mystery series was born from a love of mysteries and travel and a passion for working with children.

Mary Morgan, author of the National Park Mystery series, quickly penned the first manuscript after being challenged by Richard Baldwin, owner of Buttonwood Press, at a 2008 Christian writer’s conference, where authors were challenged to find niche markets. The collaboration between Mary and Richard led to a series that captured young readers’ imaginations nationwide.

Addressing Challenges
Working under the guidance of Buttonwood Press, Mary printed her books with Color House Graphics, who provided timely production and high-quality printing that she and her publisher were thrilled with.

After Richard’s passing in 2019, Mary wanted to continue the series independently, but she had little experience with the printing process. CHG’s team stepped in with compassionate support and practical assistance, guiding Mary through the technical aspects of book production. This included advising her on how to get new ISBNs, handling typesetting issues, and ensuring quality control.

A Note from Mary Morgan
“I have recommended CHG many times, telling everyone what great service we have received for 13 years. We tell people how friendly the staff has always been, from the reception desk (with candy nearby) to those who help load the books into our car. When we started our publishing company, the CHG team worked with us from start to finish to get our books printed. I am blessed that I can sell with confidence because of the workmanship of the books I’ve printed with CHG. We love the customer service and the quality of the books.”

How CHG Makes a Difference
At CHG, we pride ourselves on building strong, supportive relationships. Throughout our conversations, Mary returned to several CHG qualities that she valued immensely.

  • Consistent quality and timelines: CHG maintains high standards and timely delivery despite industry-wide challenges like paper shortages.
  • High-quality products: CHG’s printing, binding, and paper sources provide a long-lasting end material, allowing books to be passed down for generations to come while upholding the same high quality that was seen on day one.
  • Customer-focused adaptions: CHG is committed to customer care, from shipping adjustments to size changes.
  • Personalized support: CHG provides hands-on assistance, guiding authors and publishers through all aspects of the printing process.

A Partner You Can Trust
What makes CHG unique? We are committed to quality and dedicated to our customers. We go the extra mile, whether ensuring timely deliveries despite industry challenges or adjusting our services to meet specific needs. CHG’s relationship with Mary and her book series represents the importance of a reliable printing partner for projects of all sizes.

At Color House Graphics, we’re more than just a printer. We’re your partners in bringing stories to life, committed to helping you create books that leave a lasting impact. To learn more about our services or request a quote, visit colorhousegraphics.com today. If you want to check out Mary’s National Park Mysteries or any other books, you can find her at nationalparkmysteries.com.

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