
Safe Reading for Your Students

Parents across the world are navigating homeschooling for the first time. We’re all maneuvering through the unknown right now, trying to balance life, work, our children’s education and our families health.

If you have young students at home, we’ve got some safe reading recommendations for them that will also play a part in their school work.

The series, called National Park Mysteries, combines mysterious adventures with tidbits of history and geography of each national park and the state in which they are located in. The National Park Mysteries series is intended for students age 7-11.

The author, Mary E. Morgan, has a passion for traveling, especially to National Parks. She has visited forty-five parks, exploring and photographing each one. She shares “America’s best idea” with children through facts and mysterious adventures, hoping to create in them a desire to explore the parks for themselves.

The series’ titles include:

  • Lava Chasers at Volcanoes National Park
  • Two If By Tea in Boston
  • Twisted Trails in Grand Canyon
  • Double Trouble In The Everglades
  • Snow Den at Yellowstone
  • Spies In Disguise in Gettysburg
  • The Face at Mount Rushmore
  • Stolen Treasures at Pictured Rocks

You can learn more about the series and how to purchase them on the series website, linked here.

Have younger kiddos at home? Mary has an additional title targeted towards 3-6 year olds called The Runaway Lawnmower. It is a feel-good heartwarming story sure to bring smiles to young readers. You can learn more about that title here.

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